Jessica Tornell-Presto - DePaul University

Professor: Jessica Tornell-Presto
Department: Communication
College: DePaul University
Rating # 1
  • Course: ISP101
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 2.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
She was spectacular! I was in her Performance and Mulitculturalism, which was heavily discussion-based and performance-based. She made sure the classroom was a respectful learning environment and moderated discussions well. She made it fun too.
Rating # 2
  • Course: ISP101
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 1.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
BTW it's Jessica Tomell-Presto. I had her for explore chicago theater and she was really sweet. If you go to each class and just do the homework, you'll be fine. I didn't really read the book, just skimmed through and completed the review questions, and used that to study for the final, which really helped. She is a good and passionate teacher.
Rating # 3
  • Course: CMN203
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 1.0
  • For Credit: N/A
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: N/A
  • Attendance: N/A
Very sweet personality and very passive and quite. You will have 2 response papers, you will have to lead a discussion, and one mid-term and one final exam. MAKE SURE YOU DO ANY EXTRA CREDIT she gives you becuase shell will add it to your exams which help sooo much!
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