Joscelyn Richey - Hillsborough Community College (all campuses)

Professor: Joscelyn Richey
Department: Nursing
College: Hillsborough Community College (all campuses)
Rating # 1
  • Course: NUR1020
  • Grade Received: B+
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
I rely on lectures to understand the material, and her Zoom lectures were essentially brief Q&A sessions rather than learning opportunities. Unfortunately you have to learn the material yourself and are expected to know the chapters inside and out for her exams. She has office hours, but those are more for reviewing than assistance. She's TOUGH.
Rating # 2
  • Course: NUR2010
  • Grade Received: A-
  • Overall Rating: 3.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
tough grader. Super unorganized. All you do is read the textbook. If you do not learn from reading i suggest supplemental materials or educators outside of HCC. I think this is how this nursing program is though. I have taught myself everything i need to know up to this point. Student beware.
Rating # 3
  • Course: NUR1213
  • Grade Received: C+
  • Overall Rating: 2.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: N/A
She won't admit her mistakes. She rambles about her personal life during lecture and during her multiple 60 minute long voice over powerpoints. During quarantine we had little to no material or outline to study for exams. She graded nursing care plans harshly without explaining how to do one. She is an excellent nurse but her teaching is sub par.
Rating # 4
  • Course: NUR1020
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
You want her for clinicals, she is amazing in the hospital setting and one of the most passionate people about nursing. She wants to weed out the ones that are passionate or want to do the work so be prepared to work harder than you ever had. Her class work and tests are another story. You have to read more than the textbooks or you will not pass!
Rating # 5
  • Course: NUR1020
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
This is a hard class to rate. If you want the best nursing education possible from someone who is probably the most passionate nurse you could imagine then by all means choose her. However, be warned that she is disorganized and does not lecture. Her tests are not on the material and she expects you to know a lot outside of the class.
Rating # 6
  • Course: NCP1201
  • Grade Received: B
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: N/A
Everything is disorganized in this class. I felt bullied. We completely taught ourselves. I understand covid impacted the way teaching had to be carried out but there was no effort on her end to find other methods of instructing- This was the hardest semester with the least knowledge gained and Im disappointed.
Rating # 7
  • Course: NUR1213
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: N/A
Amazing person, sub par teacher. Has the philosophy of quantity over quality. Instead of making information clear and concise she will confuse you and then state how easy questions were on the test. No matter how clear test questions may be finding the information is awful. She needs to learn the skill gap present and re-evaluate her teaching.
Rating # 8
  • Course: NPI1213
  • Grade Received: Not sure yet
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
I applied to the program with a 4.0 and I might not pass first semester. She is allowed to be late to meetings, test questions are different from the book, incapable of admitting mistakes, constantly yelling, extremely disorganized and I PROMISE that it is worth it to avoid this instructor at all costs. Drive an extra 30 minutes if you have to.
Rating # 9
  • Course: NUR1213
  • Grade Received: Not sure yet
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Very disorganized and inaccurate with her due dates and assignments, she is not lenient on grading and is reading heavy. If you get her... good luck because youll need it.
Rating # 10
  • Course: NP1
  • Grade Received: D+
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: No
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Horrible professor! This class is all self taught be ready to work so hard and have mental break downs weekly. She doesn't go by the book she goes by her own rules. She doesn't teach content she just gives you an abundance amount of homework and instead of teaching she just goes over homework that is already done. I wouldn't go back to her.
Rating # 11
  • Course: NURNP1
  • Grade Received: B+
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
I spent most of my first semester struggling. During the process I felt as though she was making this program near impossible to pass. It wasn't til the very end when I began to appreciate her, she doesn't do anything without a purpose, so if you'r questioning her it will make sense in the end. I can honestly say Im very grateful to have had her.
Rating # 12
  • Course: NUR1020
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Mrs. Richey is a great professor, she really wants all her students to be great nurses! I had her for all my classes first semester and for clinical. Exams are really tough, but if you go to class, listen to her online lectures and study the material you will do fine. I would suggest to try and find as many practice questions as possible.
Rating # 13
  • Course: NP1
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
She is the worst professor I've ever had. I understand Nursing is super hard, but she does not care about students. She does not lecture at all, you have to read and lecture yourself. Nothing approachable, she do not gives that confidence that NP1 students need. She may be very knowledgeable as a nurse, but not a good professor.
Rating # 14
  • Course: NUR1213
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Richey is an amazing professor. She genuinely cares about what her students learn and if they retain it. That being said on any given day I didn't know who was showing up to teach the class. Would it be the kind, patient empathetic Richey ready to provide keys of wisdom or would it be the stern pit viper Richey? Good luck and read the book.
Rating # 15
  • Course: NP1
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 5.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Mrs. Richey is truly a tough cookie. I spent most of the semester struggling and it wasn't until the very end that I was extremely grateful for her. There are times where it feels like she's beating you down, but she truly cares about the success of her students. If you put the effort, she'll see it, and you'll be able to get a good grade.
Rating # 16
  • Course: NP1
  • Grade Received: A
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Mrs. Richey is definitely one of the hardest teachers I've ever had, but she definitely prepares you for the nursing world and upcoming semesters. Her lectures are fast and packed with information; she allows you to record class, so take up that offer. Read the chapters 100%, do all NCLEX questions you see, and LOOK OVER TESTS WITH HER! It helps.
Rating # 17
  • Course: NP1
  • Grade Received: A-
  • Overall Rating: 4.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Mrs. Richey is an amazing professor. She cares about every student. Be prepared to work hard for your grade. If you don't do the work, you wont do well. She is very upfront, and loves to have class participation. Study hard for the tests. Don't be afraid to go and ask her questions. Go over old tests with her to see what you can improve on.
Rating # 18
  • Course: NP1
  • Grade Received: A-
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Mandatory
Richey is an amazing instructor that pushes students into becoming amazing nurses. Her class feels like you are going 100mph but at the end of it all, when the dust settles, you will be surprised of how much you learned in just one semester. Survive her class and you will never feel more confident in your future as an RN.
Rating # 19
  • Course: NP1
  • Grade Received: B+
  • Overall Rating: 5.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: Yes
  • Attendance: Not Mandatory
Awesome teacher! She is tough but fair. Do the work and she will notice. Class is not mandatory but if you wanna pass do not miss a class because she gives a lot of important info during lectures, and give yourself plenty of time to study. Listen to her, she knows what she is talking about.
Rating # 20
  • Course: NP1
  • Grade Received: N/A
  • Overall Rating: 1.0
  • Course Difficulty: 4.0
  • For Credit: Yes
  • Textbook Used: Yes
  • Would Take Again: No
  • Attendance: Mandatory
I have never been more frustrated by a professor. Go to another campus if that is what it takes. The test questions don't always match what the book says, and this particular professor cannot explain why certain answers are correct or incorrect. I think I would have had a better understanding of NP1 if I had just read the book.
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